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Dinner in the Sky® Riga 2024 location map

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Filip Langhoff menu

Menu presented and served by Filip Langhoff

22.08 I 23.08

Vegan Menu by Filip Langhoff

Menu presented and served by Filip Langhoff

22.08 I 23.08


21.08 I 24.08 I 25.08

Vegan Menu

22.08 I 24.08 I 25.08


Guest chef

Dinner in the Sky® Riga 2024

Filip Langhoff

Filip Langhoff has worked as a chef in several well-known restaurants.

Restaurant Ask

Michelin stars 2012-2019

Restaurant Jord

Bib Gourmand and Green Star 2016-2021

Restaurant Sekel

Recommended by Michelin Guide - 2022-2024

The story of Filippi Langhoff

Philippe started his professional career at the age of 16, when he was at restaurant school.
After graduating in 1999.
In 1999.
After graduating in 1999.
In 1999 he moved abroad.
Philippe gained experience in several renowned restaurants throughout Europe.
These include Edsbacka krog (2 Michelin stars) in Sweden and Comerc24 (1 Michelin star) and El Bulli (3 Michelin stars) in Spain.
Philippe’s most important work abroad was five years as head chef at Spisestedet Feinschmecker (1 Michelin star) in Oslo.

Philip Langhoff was born 1980.
Filip Lang Langhof.
Born in 1980 in Finland.
As a child, Philip’s favourite activities were picking herbs and berries in his grandmother’s garden or walking in the woods.
Over the years, he has travelled the world, always paying special attention to food.
In 2007 he married Linda Stenman-Langhoff, a wine specialist.
In this couple, the man cooks and the woman does everything else.

When he was offered a job as chef at Chez Dominique (2 Michelin stars), Philippe decided to move back to Finland with his family.
In 2008 and 2009.
In 2008 and 2008, Filip represented Finland at the prestigious Bocuse d´Or competition.
He managed to take Finland to 5th place in the Bocuse Competition.
In the European competition.
In 2009.
Lyon 2009.
In 2009, he was 11th in the final.
11th place.
In Lyon he was 11th.
11th place.
Since 2011.
Since 2011.
Since 2011.
Since 2011, Philippe and Linda run the catering and consulting company Cibus by Langhoff.
Through this company, they organise events and activities worldwide, consult restaurants and provide interior design.

gadā viņi atvēra restorānu ‘Ask’.
‘Ask’ bija neliels un intīms, 22 vietu restorāns jaukā Kruununhaa rajonā.
‘Ask’ piedāvāja 17 ēdienu degustācijas ēdienkarti ar rūpīgi izvēlētu dzērienu izlasi.
Produkti tika iegūti no mazām vietējām veikaliem, kā arī bioloģiskajām un biodinamiskajām saimniecībām.
gada augustā Filips un Linda nolēma slēgt ‘Ask’.

gadā Filips un Linda producēja 13 sēriju ēdienu raidījumu ar nosaukumu ‘No zemes līdz galdam’.
Šī TV programma tika demonstrēta Somijā, Norvēģijā, Zviedrijā un Dānijā laika posmā no 2016.
līdz 2024.
Raidījums stāsta par lieliskiem vietējiem bioloģiskajiem produktiem un tiem, kas tos audzē.

Ask the carefree little sister, open in Kampi Shopping Centre.
Jordi focused on organic food and drinks for all.
Jord moved to Krununhaka and the old Ask restaurant location in 2019.
But unfortunately in 2021.
In 2021 it was closed.
During the pandemic.
After a short break, Philippe and Linda opened a third restaurant.
Sekel is a bar and restaurant focusing on food and the history of Finnish gastronomy, especially in the 1920s.
The focus is on the history of Finnish cuisine, especially the 20th century.
and 30s.
The ethos of sustainability is strong.
The menus and wines are inspired by what was served on tables a century ago.

Today you find them at their summer restaurant Restaurant Segel in Hanko. The summer capital of Finland. Segel is an easy going summer restaurant with high quality food where you can enjoy everything from fish and chips to a chef’s menu of local produce.
Segel also has a special wine list where you find wines from restaurant Asks old wide wine cellar.

Dinner in the Sky® Riga 2024 packages and prices

You can choose from 5 different offers, depending on the menu on offer and the time you want to have an unprecedented experience.
Lunch in the Sky®
  • Time spent in the sky 60 min
  • 3-course meal
  • Drinks - aperitif and wine
  • between 11.00 and 16.00
Dinner in the Sky®
  • Time spent in the sky 80 min
  • 4-course meal
  • Drinks - aperitif, wine and digestif
  • between 17.00 and 22.00
Brunch in the Sky®
  • Time spent in the sky 30 min
  • 2-course meal
  • Drinks - aperitif and wine
  • between 10.00 and 12.00
Champagne in the Sky®
  • Time spent in the sky 20 min
  • Small snack menu
  • Drinks - champagne and wine
  • between 15.00 and 17.00
Cocktail in the Sky®
  • Time spent in the sky 20 min
  • Small snack menu
  • Drinks - alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails
  • between 22.30 and 00.00

Important conditions

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Minimum guest height 1.40 m
  • Adult guests must assist guests under 18
  • The event is also open to people with reduced mobility and wheelchairs 
  • Alcohol will not be served to minors
  • Weather-appropriate clothing;
  • Please remember that at 50 m the wind is slightly stronger and the temperature may be slightly lower;
  • Please bring your phones, photos and video cameras to capture unforgettable and breathtaking moments.

Maximum 22 people per lift.

  • Please ask about the vegetarian menu and warn in advance about your food allergies;
  • Guests under the influence of alcohol are not admitted for security reasons;
  • Minors unaccompanied by an adult will not be admitted; 
  • Please arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled pick-up time;
  • If you arrive late, your reservation will be cancelled without refund;
  • Don’t forget to bring your booking confirmation.
  • Lifting will be done and food will be served even in rainy weather;
  • Take-offs will be delayed or cancelled if wind speeds exceed 13 m/s and during thunderstorms;
  • Take-off may be cancelled or delayed due to other unsuitable weather conditions;
  • If take-off is cancelled, meals and drinks will be served in the lounge area. You will be given a full-value gift voucher which you can redeem as soon as possible.
Dinner in the Sky® is a product designed with two key principles in mind: exclusivity and safety.
We want to give our customers the best experience they could ever dream of, while ensuring their safety. All our concepts are developed in accordance with the German standard DIN 4112. Made in Belgium. This obsession with safety is probably one of the reasons why Dinner in the Sky® is now held in more than 30 countries and has received official approval in countries with the strictest safety regulations, such as the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc.

Dinner in the Sky® in media

Experience recognised by leaders
